Golden Apple Scholars Program Overview
Created in 1988 by the award-winning teachers of the Golden Apple Foundation, the Golden Apple Scholars of Illinois program recruits and prepares bright and talented Illinois high school graduates, as well as first and second-year college students who represent a rich ethnic diversity for successful teaching careers in high need schools throughout Illinois and provides scholarships to students pursuing teaching degrees.
Each year, the Foundation identifies Golden Apple Scholars eligible to receive scholarship assistance from ISAC. Recipients may receive up to $2,500 per year during their first or second year of being a Scholar, and up to $5,000 during their third, fourth or fifth year of being a Scholar, for assistance with tuition, fees, and room and board or a commuter allowance. As a condition of the scholarship assistance, the recipient agrees to teach in an Illinois school of need for not less than five years.
The Golden Apple Foundation is a not-for-profit organization based in Chicago. The Foundation promotes excellence in Pre K-12 education through the work of excellent teachers. Students need teachers who have similar backgrounds and experiences to serve as role models and give them the hope of a promising future. Golden Apple Scholars receive mentoring support from outstanding, award-winning teachers who are part of the Golden Apple network.