JB Pritzker, Governor, State of Illinois

Post-Master of Social Work School Social Work Professional Educator License Scholarship Program Certification

The eligibility certification process for the Post-Master of Social Work School Social Work Professional Educator License Scholarship Program takes place through the GAP Access portal.

Certification Overview

Detailed instructions for completing certification are provided in the Post-Master of Social Work School Social Work Professional Educator License Scholarship Program User Guide.

  • Financial aid staff with active GAP Access accounts must update privileges for this program under the Administration tab. Accounts for staff who will be editing or updating data must be set to "Update" and those for staff who will not be involved in submitting data to ISAC, but need to view eligibility information, will need to be set to "View".
  • After logging into GAP Access, select SWSP under the Programs tab.
  • Select the Certification tab to access the SWSP Certification List: View and view names of applicants attending your institution.
  • The Certification List Filter can be used to select records for certification in the order of your choosing. For example, records can be filtered by eligibility status to include all applicants, or those who are eligible or not eligible. Records can also be filtered by timely vs. untimely applications.
  • You can either click on an applicant's name or Social Security number to open the Certification Data screen.
  • The "Anticipated Date of Program Completion" field on the Certification Data screen allows program length to be tracked.
  • Fields to be completed will be highlighted in red, based on whether the Eligible field is completed as Yes or No.
    • If Eligible, these fields must be completed:
      • Anticipated term(s)* (of enrollment)
      • Term 1 eligible amount**
      • Term 2 eligible amount
      • Term 3 eligible amount
    • If Ineligible, only the ineligible reason must be selected from the drop-down menu.
      • Select the "Has not been continuously enrolled" option on the Ineligible drop-down menu for applicants who fail to remain continuously enrolled in an approved program that qualifies them for the scholarship.
  • Once all required applicant information has been entered, the Save/Submit button is clicked to complete the process for the record.
  • Please note that if information is not saved and submitted, but the screen is closed, the information will not be saved, and will need to be re-entered at a later time.

*As a reminder, benefits from this program can cover eligible summer terms; summer term is considered Term 3. Applicants may be certified as eligible for all 3 terms (i.e., for the 2024-25 academic year: fall 2024, spring 2025, and summer 2025), or a mix of terms, depending on their enrollment status.

**The program pays tuition and mandatory fees and the amount for each term may vary, depending on term costs.