JB Pritzker, Governor, State of Illinois

ISAC Update

VOL. 42, NO. 3F
September 2024

Messages sent to:   Multiple Subscription Groups
  ECACE Administrators
  ISAC Update

Welcome to the September 2024 ISAC Update for financial aid administrators and business officers. This version of the electronic ISAC Update is a compilation of e-Messages sent through ISAC's e-Messaging service throughout September.

The articles in this Update have been organized according to the FAA subscription groups to which the messages were distributed.


Questions regarding information in this ISAC Update can be directed to School Services at 866.247.2172 or at isac.schoolservices@illinois.gov. On occasion, you may be directed to a specific contact person or area; when this occurs, we will provide the appropriate information in the individual article or message.


Don't Forget to Register for the College Access Symposium!
Sent to Financial Aid Directors, Financial Aid Administrators, Public Schools – Participating in the ING Grant and IVG Programs, MAP Users, Business Officers, ECACE Administrators, and NES Schools on September 30, 2024.

College Access

We look forward to welcoming you to one of our four locations for the 2024 College Access Symposium! For registration details, visit the College Access Symposium page.

During the symposium, you will hear about:

  • Updates and enhancements to the 2025-26 Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) and Alternative Application for Illinois Financial Aid
  • How schools across the state are implementing a PaCE Framework
  • Resources available to schools to support financial aid application completion efforts
  • Resources available to schools to support your PaCE framework implementation

For questions, contact isac.outreachtraining@illinois.gov.

Call for Proposals Has Been Extended!
Sent to Financial Aid Directors, Financial Aid Administrators, Public Schools – Participating in the ING Grant and IVG Programs, MAP Users, Business Officers, ECACE Administrators, and NES Schools on September 25, 2024.

College Access

We are pleased to announce that the call for proposals for the College Access Symposium has been extended! The revised deadline to submit a session proposal is 12 p.m. (CT) on Monday, October 7, 2024.

We invite our colleagues from high schools, admissions and financial aid offices at colleges and universities, community-based organizations, and more to submit a session proposal! You will have an opportunity on the session proposal form to indicate the date(s)/location(s) on which you would be available to present your session.

For more information on the symposium, visit the 2024 College Access Symposium page. Send questions to isac.outreachtraining@illinois.gov.

2024-25 ECACE Scholarship Awarding and Payment Implementation
Sent to Financial Aid Directors, Financial Aid Administrators, Business Officers, and ECACE Administrators on September 24, 2024.

The Illinois Student Assistance Commission (ISAC) is sharing the following information to assist colleges in the administration of the Early Childhood Access Consortium for Equity (ECACE) Scholarship Program.

You may either scroll through the remainder of this message, or click on the appropriate link(s) to go directly to a specific section:

Awarding Has Been Completed

Submit ECACE Fall-term Claims by December 31st

Request for Assistance Sent to College Presidents, Chancellors, and Chief Student Service Officers

Awarding Has Been Completed

Awarding has taken place for 2024-25 ECACE Scholarship Program applicants based on certification records that were completed by the colleges before September 24th. Awarding prioritization was based on an applicant's renewal status (meaning the student was paid ECACE Scholarship benefits in the 2023-24 award year), the application receipt date, and the applicant's Student Aid Index (SAI), awarding first to those with the lowest (-1500) SAIs. Award notifications are being delivered to awarded students by ISAC. Colleges may access 2024-25 eligible award information, including funded or unfunded status, using the ECACE system. Award results may be viewed on the "Student List Eligibility: View" screen.

While all 2024-25 ECACE Scholarships were awarded to timely renewal applicants with an SAI of -1500, sufficient funding was not available to award all applicants who meet these criteria. Eligible students unable to receive an award due to funding limitations will also receive communication from ISAC informing them of this status. Please note that it is highly unlikely that any students receiving a letter notifying them of insufficient funds for an award will receive an ECACE Scholarship this year.

Submit ECACE Fall-term Claims by December 31st

Effective immediately, colleges may submit 2024-25 ECACE Scholarship fall (Term 1 for semester and quarter schools) payment requests (i.e., claims) for students who have been awarded a scholarship. In order to be considered timely, first-term payment requests for the 2024-25 ECACE Scholarship Program must be submitted on or before Tuesday, December 31, 2024, and colleges are always encouraged to submit payment requests as soon as they are able to do so. The timely submission of payment requests and cancellations/adjustments allows ISAC staff to monitor remaining funds and award other students, as applicable.

Processing Reminders

  • Within the ECACE system, submit claims for individual certified ECACE Scholarship recipients via the "Student Detail: Payment" screen or in batches for a group of certified students via the "Payment Request Entry" screen.
  • The maximum award amount that may be claimed during the academic year is populated in the "Max Annual Award Amount" field of the ECACE system.
    • Due to limited funding, the 2024-25 ECACE Scholarship maximum annual award is the lesser of $7,500 or the cost of attendance after other aid is considered.
  • There are no term award limits for this program – colleges must determine the term award amount(s) based on other financial aid the student is receiving, keeping in mind that the ECACE Scholarship is last payer, and can be used for any cost of attendance component.
  • While the scholarship is an annual award, schools are also asked to indicate if a student is not eligible for payment on a per-term basis.
    • Please note that the ECACE system will de-obligate/remove a student's full award if one of the following Ineligible reasons is selected during the payment request process:
      • Not a US citizen/eligible non-citizen
      • Not a HS grad/no GED
      • Student is not accepting ECACE Scholarship
    • The system will not remove the award if any of the following Ineligible reasons is selected during the payment request process:
      • Defaulted student loan
      • Not making satisfactory academic progress
      • No remaining unmet cost
      • Enrolled less than 3 credit hours
      • Not pursuing an early childhood education major
      • Not enrolled this term
  • Submitting claims is a two-step process, which involves generating the request and then submitting the request.
  • By submitting a payment request to ISAC, a college is confirming that the student is enrolled and continues to meet all eligibility criteria.
  • Payment results are available in the ECACE system each morning (for example: results for claims submitted through the end of the day on Tuesday, September 24th will be available in the ECACE system the morning of Wednesday, September 25th).
  • A Payment Result Summary and Invoice Detail Report can be viewed or printed by selecting the Report tab in the ECACE system the day after a payment request has been processed.
    • The report includes Payment Results, Payment Exceptions and Invoice Detail about the payment claim.
    • Be sure to review the report to see which requests, if any, did not process as expected.
  • The disbursement of funds is processed by the State Comptroller's Office.
    • Allow four to six weeks for payment processing (i.e., from the date a claim is submitted until funds are received at the college).
    • Refer to the State Comptroller's Website page for information on how to track payment.

Resources Available Online

More information is available at the following locations on ISAC's website:

Request for Assistance Sent to College Presidents, Chancellors, and Chief Student Service Officers

A joint communication (dated September 23, 2024) from the Illinois Board of Higher Education (IBHE), the Illinois Community College Board (ICCB) and ISAC has been sent to college presidents, chancellors, and chief student service officers. The communication encourages institutions to exercise all available flexibility in order to protect students, who may have enrolled or returned to college because they hoped for continued ECACE Scholarship support, from academic or financial penalties.

2025-26 MAP Start-up Formula Approved
Sent to Financial Aid Directors, Financial Aid Administrators, MAP Users, and Business Officers on September 23, 2024.

The following highlights some of the agenda items included at the September 19, 2024 meeting of the Illinois Student Assistance Commission, and any action taken. A listing of the agenda items is provided in the September 19 Agenda Book, which can be accessed from the ISAC's Governing Board: The Commission section of the About ISAC area of ISAC's website.

FY26 (2025-26 Academic Year) MAP Start-up Formula Approved – Agenda Item 5

Because the fiscal year 2026 (FY26) state budget process has not yet begun, when developing the proposed start-up formula, staff assumed that the Monetary Award Program (MAP) will receive $711.6 million, which is level with the FY25 appropriation. Following the FY25 recompute formula, staff recommended and the Commission approved using the following in the start-up formula for 2025-26 MAP grants:

  • 2021-22 reported tuition and fees;
  • the 2021-22 Pell Grant Payment Schedule;
  • a $5,200 living allowance; and,
  • an $8,400 maximum award.

In addition, as necessitated by FAFSA Simplification, the 2025-26 MAP start-up formula continues to mirror the federal methodology that allows students with a negative or zero Student Aid Index (SAI) to receive the same maximum Pell amount.

The approved start-up formula is outlined in the MAP section within the ISAC Gift Assistance Programs area of the website.

Operational details regarding implementation of the FY26 MAP start-up formula will be communicated in a future e-Message.

Encourage Students to Submit 2025-26 FAFSA® or Alternative Application, Once Available

Colleges should encourage students to submit the 2025-26 Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA®) or the Alternative Application for Illinois Financial Aid (Alternative Application) as soon as possible after the applications become available. For the 2025-26 FAFSA cycle, Federal Student Aid has announced plans for a "limited soft launch" on October 1, 2024, with the intention of discovering and fixing issues through November and providing full FAFSA form access to all students by December 1, 2024. ISAC plans to release the 2025-26 Alternative Application to coincide with the date that the FAFSA is fully made available to all students in December. ISAC staff monitors application volume throughout the year to ensure that MAP awarding is in line with the available funding.

Continue to watch our established methods of communication, including the MAP Program News area and the FAA Message Board, for future operational updates.

Additional Items

The following additional items were presented to and approved by the Commission:

  • 2025 Meeting Dates – Agenda Item 1
  • College Illinois!® Prepaid Tuition Program Updates – Agenda Item 7

Next Meeting

The next Commission meeting is scheduled to take place on Thursday, December 5, 2024.

2024-25 MTI Updates: Awarding and Payment
Sent to Financial Aid Directors and Financial Aid Administrators September 19, 2024.

Unless otherwise noted, links in this message are to corresponding pages at the Illinois Student Assistance Commission (ISAC) website (isac.org).

This message announces that awarding has commenced for the 2024-25 Minority Teachers of Illinois (MTI) Scholarship Program, and colleges may begin submitting payment requests (i.e., claims) for the first term.

Awarding Has Commenced

Awarding has taken place for all 2024-25 MTI Scholarship Program applicants who have been certified as eligible. Award notifications (dated September 19, 2024) are being mailed to awarded students by ISAC.

Future rounds of awarding will follow the priority order outlined in the Award Determination for MTI section of the ISAC Gift Assistance Programs area, with timely renewal applicants first in the order.

Award Information Available via the MTI System

Colleges may now access 2024-25 eligible award information, including funded or unfunded status, using the MTI system. Award results may be viewed using the "Student List Eligibility: View" screen of the MTI system.

First-Term Payment Requests Being Accepted

Initial payment request records are also now available via the MTI system, allowing 2024-25 MTI payment processing to commence.

Submit First-Term Payment Requests by December 31st

  • In order to be considered timely, first-term payment requests for the 2024-25 MTI Scholarship Program must be submitted on or before Tuesday, December 31, 2024.
  • Colleges are always encouraged to submit payment requests as soon as they are able to do so.
  • The timely submission of payment requests and cancellations/adjustments allows ISAC staff to monitor remaining funds and award other students, as applicable.

Processing Reminders

  • Submitting MTI payment requests is a two-step process, which involves generating the request (either individually or in a batch) and then submitting the request.
  • Payment functionality is available each day between 7 a.m. and 10 p.m. (CT).
    • Payment requests submitted by 7 p.m. (CT) will be included in that night's processing, with payment results available the next business day.
    • Results for payment requests submitted after 7 p.m. (CT) will be included in the following night's processing.
  • Results for payment requests received are provided via the MTI system.
    • The Payment Result Summary and Invoice Detail Report can be viewed or printed by selecting the Report tab in the MTI system the day after a payment request has been processed.
      • The report includes Payment Results, Payment Exceptions and Invoice Detail about the payment claim.
      • Be sure to review the report to see which requests, if any, did not process as expected.
  • The disbursement of funds is processed by the State of Illinois Comptroller's Office.
  • Because Payment Offset and Reconciliation procedures apply to the MTI Scholarship Program, refund checks should not be sent for cancellations/adjustments made throughout the award year.
    • Funds should only be returned to ISAC after a final reconciliation has been completed at the end of the regular school year.

Certification Reminder

In order to ensure qualified applicants are considered for available program funding, be sure to continue certifying records for both renewal and new applicants so they are included in future rounds of MTI awarding and receive the appropriate notifications.

Resources Available Online

Watch for Future Updates

Future updates will be announced via ISAC's usual means of communication (e.g., the FAA Message Board, the MTI Program News page, and/or this e-Messaging system).

Register Now for the 2024 College Access Symposium!
Sent to Financial Aid Directors, Financial Aid Administrators, Public Schools – Participating in the ING Grant and IVG Programs, MAP Users, Business Officers, ECACE Administrators, and NES Schools on September 17, 2024.

College Access

Registration is now open for the 2024 College Access Symposium! We look forward to seeing you and invite you to join us from 8:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. at one of our four locations during October and November.

  • Thursday, October 17 at Southern Illinois University Carbondale
  • Tuesday, October 29 at Lincoln Land Community College
  • Wednesday, November 6 at Moraine Valley Community College
  • Friday, November 8 at Sauk Valley Community College

We encourage everyone to register as soon as possible, as space is limited. Registration for the symposium is $25 (plus fees) and includes continental breakfast and lunch. Advance registration is required.

For more information and to register, visit the College Access Symposium page. For questions, contact isac.outreachtraining@illinois.gov.

Commission Meeting Thursday, September 19 – Executive Briefing Friday, September 20
Sent to Financial Aid Directors, Financial Aid Administrators, MAP Users, and Business Officers on September 13, 2024.

The next regular meeting of the Illinois Student Assistance Commission (ISAC) will be held at 1 p.m. on Thursday, September 19, 2024. Those interested in attending the meeting in person may do so at either the ISAC Deerfield or Springfield office location; see below for addresses. There will be no videoconference access to the meeting from ISAC's website.

Some of the items on the tentative agenda are:

  • 2026 meeting dates and locations
  • Fiscal year 2026 Monetary Award Program (MAP) start-up formula
  • College Illinois!® Prepaid Tuition Program investment and program updates

The Agenda Book, providing the complete listing of agenda items, is available via the 2024 Agenda Books page, which is located within the ISAC's Governing Board: The Commission section of the About ISAC area of isac.org. The online Agenda Book will be updated within 1-2 days following the meeting to reflect action taken.

Executive Briefing Conference Call – Friday, September 20

An Executive Briefing conference call is scheduled for Friday, September 20 from 11 a.m. to noon for institutional financial aid staff. Executive Director Eric Zarnikow and ISAC staff will provide information about activity that took place at the Commission meeting and other ISAC updates.

On the day of the briefing, you can gain access through the below link/information, or by visiting the Partner Training page of the e-Library, where access will also be available.

For the audio portion, click on the Audio tab at the top of the page and select one of the available options:

  • For toll-free participation, select the "Call Me" option, enter your phone number, and you will be called. (This is the recommended option.)
  • For "Use computer audio" you will need to have a microphone to be able to interact with the briefing. Without a microphone, you will be in listen-only mode.
  • The "Call in" option is not a toll-free number, however, if you are not able to participate through the provided link and the "Call Me" option, but would like to participate only by phone, you can use this toll number: +1-415-655-0002 (USA Toll) and access code 2452 142 5672.

Commission Meeting Sites

Deerfield office
1755 Lake Cook Road
Conference Room 3030, 3rd floor
Enter through the east door and check in at the desk

Springfield office
500 West Monroe
Conference Room, 3rd floor
Enter from the rear parking lot through the east door, use the elevator or stairs

Announcing ISAC Webinars on ECACE Scholarship Program
Sent to Financial Aid Directors, Financial Aid Administrators, Public Schools – Participating in the ING Grant and IVG Programs, MAP Users, Business Officers, ECACE Administrators, and NES Schools on September 13, 2024.

The Illinois Student Assistance Commission (ISAC), in partnership with the Illinois Network of Child Care Resource and Referral Agencies (INCCRRA) and Chicago Early Learning Workforce Scholarship (CELWS), will offer the A Review of the 2024-25 Early Childhood Access Consortium for Equity (ECACE) Scholarship Program and Other Financial Aid Options for Early Childhood Education Students webinar on the following dates:

  • Wednesday, September 18, 2 p.m.
  • Wednesday, September 25, 10 a.m.

These webinars are intended for anyone who works with or supports students who are pursuing a degree or credentials in early childhood education, which may include faculty, financial aid staff, counselors, institutional staff, employers, and navigators.

The webinars will begin with ISAC providing an overview of the ECACE Scholarship Program and changes made to the program for the 2024-25 award year as it transitions to a state-funded program, followed by a review of other state and federal financial aid options for students. Representatives from ISAC, INCCRRA and CELWS will be on hand to share information and answer questions about their programs.

We encourage you to please forward this information to any colleagues who you think may be interested in learning more about these programs.

The webinars are free and registration is not required. You may join by using this link: https://illinois.webex.com/meet/kimberly.eck. A copy of the webinar presentation, as well as additional connection information, will be provided on ISAC's Partner Training page in the e-Library at isac.org on the day of each webinar.

Questions may be directed to Kim Eck at kimberly.eck@illinois.gov or Stephanie Claudio at stephanie.claudio@illinois.gov.

2024-25 Golden Apple Updates
Sent to Financial Aid Directors and Financial Aid Administrators on September 11, 2024.

Unless otherwise noted, links in this message are to corresponding pages at the Illinois Student Assistance Commission (ISAC) website (isac.org).

The following information is being shared to assist colleges in the administration of the Golden Apple Scholars of Illinois Program. Effective today, eligibility data is available and first-term payment requests (i.e., claims) are being accepted for the 2024-25 academic year.

Student Records Available to View in the Golden Apple System

Colleges may view a listing of their institution's potential 2024-25 Golden Apple Scholars, as reported by the Golden Apple Foundation, via the "Student List Eligibility: View" screen within the Golden Apple system.


  • Student eligibility is certified by the Golden Apple Foundation, rather than by the college.
  • Once a student has been certified as eligible by the Golden Apple Foundation, their award will immediately appear on the "Student List Eligibility: View" screen within the Golden Apple system.
  • To assist colleges as they administer the Golden Apple Scholars of Illinois Program on their campuses, "Eligible Indicators" are available in the system.
  • Each recipient's maximum annual award amount is based on the number of years that they have been a Golden Apple Scholar, rather than their academic level in college.
    • The "Year in Program" column of the "Student List Eligibility: View" screen represents the number of years that a student has been a Golden Apple Scholar (for example, records for Scholars receiving their first award this year will have a value of "1" in the "Year in Program" field).
      • Values that the Golden Apple Foundation may provide for the "Year in Program" field are as follows:

        1 = 1st year as a Golden Apple Scholar
        2 = 2nd year as a Golden Apple Scholar
        3 = 3rd year as a Golden Apple Scholar
        4 = 4th year as a Golden Apple Scholar
        5 = 5th year as a Golden Apple Scholar

    • The "Academic Level" field on the "Payment Requests" screen is available for colleges to provide each Scholar's academic level (e.g., Freshman, Sophomore, Junior, or Senior) as part of the payment request process.
  • If a potential Golden Apple Scholar has been awarded a Minority Teachers of Illinois (MTI) Scholarship or Special Education Teacher Tuition Waiver (SETTW), indicators will appear in the MTI system and/or SETTW system.
    • A student cannot receive benefits from more than one ISAC teacher program in the same academic year.
  • All users need a valid GAP Access ID and password to access the Golden Apple system.
    • ISAC relies on a designated Primary Administrator (usually, the financial aid director) at each institution to authorize users and provide them with the appropriate level of access for each ISAC program, including Golden Apple.
    • Further details may be found in the GAP Access User Guides, and questions may be directed to ISAC's School Services Department.

First-Term Payment Requests Being Accepted

Initial payment request records are now available online via the Golden Apple system, allowing 2024-25 Golden Apple payment processing to commence.

In order to be considered timely, first-term payment requests for the 2024-25 Golden Apple Scholars of Illinois Program must be submitted on or before Tuesday, December 31, 2024. Colleges are always encouraged to submit payment requests as soon as they are able to do so.


  • By submitting a Golden Apple payment request, the institution is certifying that the Scholar is enrolled and continues to meet all eligibility requirements.
    • If not submitting a payment request, the institution reports the reason for the student's ineligibility.
  • The Golden Apple payment request process includes colleges providing each Scholar's academic level (e.g., Freshman, Sophomore, Junior, or Senior) via the "Academic Level" field.
    • Each Golden Apple recipient's maximum annual award amount is based on the number of years that they have been a Golden Apple Scholar (i.e., "Year in Program"), not their academic level in college.
    • As stated above, verification of the "Year in Program" value is part of the initial certification process completed by the Golden Apple Foundation.
  • Submitting Golden Apple payment requests is a two-step process, which involves generating the request (either individually or in a batch) and then submitting the request.
  • Payment functionality is available each day between 7 a.m. and 10 p.m. (CT).
    • Payment requests submitted by 7 p.m. (CT) will be included in that night's processing, with payment results available the next business day.
    • Results for payment requests submitted after 7 p.m. (CT) will be included in the following night's processing.
  • Results for payment requests received are provided via the Golden Apple system.
    • The Payment Result Summary and Invoice Detail Report can be viewed or printed by selecting the Report tab in the Golden Apple system the day after a payment request has been processed.
      • The report includes Payment Results, Payment Exceptions and Invoice Detail about the payment claim.
      • Be sure to review the report to see which requests, if any, did not process as expected.
  • The disbursement of funds is processed by the State of Illinois Comptroller's Office.
  • Because Payment Offset and Reconciliation procedures apply to the Golden Apple Scholars of Illinois Program, refund checks should not be sent for cancellations/adjustments made throughout the award year.
    • Funds should only be returned to ISAC after a final reconciliation has been completed at the end of the regular school year.

Resources Available Online

Resources regarding this program are available in the Golden Apple Scholars of Illinois Program section of the ISAC Gift Assistance Programs area.

The Golden Apple User Guide may be accessed via the Golden Apple Electronic Processing page of the FAA – Processes area.

Watch for Future Updates

Future program updates will be announced via ISAC's usual means of communication (e.g., the FAA Message Board, the Golden Apple Program News page, and/or this e-Messaging system.

Save the Date for the College Access Symposium
Sent to Financial Aid Directors, Financial Aid Administrators, Public Schools – Participating in the ING Grant and IVG Programs, MAP Users, Business Officers, ECACE Administrators, and NES Schools on September 10, 2024.

Submit a proposal today!

We are excited to invite you to the 2024 College Access Symposium, and look forward to seeing you at one of the locations being offered in October and November! Registration will open soon, and we encourage everyone to register as soon as possible since space is limited.

  • Thursday, October 17 in Carbondale, Illinois
  • Wednesday, November 6 in Palos Hills, Illinois
  • Friday, November 8 in Dixon, Illinois

The College Access Symposium is a one-day event, being offered on three dates in three locations. Join us at the event most convenient for you to learn about how high schools and organizations across the state are supporting students to become postsecondary and career ready by learning how financial aid plays a critical role for their postsecondary success.

We invite representatives from high schools, community-based organizations, colleges and universities, and more to submit a session proposal! You will have an opportunity on the session proposal form to indicate the date(s)/location(s) on which you would be available to present your session. The deadline to submit a session proposal is 11:59 p.m. (CT) on Wednesday, September 25, 2024.

For more information on the symposium, including access to the session proposal form, visit the 2024 College Access Symposium page.

For questions, contact isac.outreachtraining@illinois.gov!

September Webinars for FAAs
Sent to Financial Aid Directors, Financial Aid Administrators, Public Schools – Participating in the ING Grant and IVG Programs, MAP Users, Business Officers, ECACE Administrators, and NES Schools on September 5, 2024.

The Illinois Student Assistance Commission (ISAC) will offer the following webinars for financial aid administrators during the month of September.

  • Tuesday, September 10, 10 a.m. – An Overview of ISAC's Teacher Programs
  • Wednesday, September 11, 2 p.m. – A Review of the 2024-25 Early Childhood Access Consortium for Equity (ECACE) Scholarship Program and Other Financial Aid Options for Early Childhood Education Students
  • Wednesday, September 25, 2 p.m. – Monthly Operational Update and Program News

To participate, visit the Partner Training page in the e-Library on the day of the event to access the webinar link and presentation materials.

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Gateway Scholarship Program Available for Early Childhood Education and Child Development Coursework and Degrees
Sent to ECACE Administrators on September 16, 2024.

The Illinois Student Assistance Commission (ISAC) is sharing the below on behalf of the Gateways to Opportunity® Illinois Professional Development System. Please make sure your students who received an ECACE Scholarship from ISAC in prior academic years and are pursuing ECE/CD coursework and degrees are aware that Gateways Scholarship applications are still being accepted for the 2024-25 school year.

Gateways Scholarship


The Gateways Scholarship Program pays up to 100% of tuition at participating colleges for Early Childhood Education and Child Development (ECE/CD) coursework and degrees.

To learn more, read the Gateways Scholarship Program Frequently Asked Questions, or click here for application information.

Questions can be e-mailed to scholarship@ilgateways.com.

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August 2024 Electronic ISAC Update
Sent on September 3, 2024.

The August 2024 edition of the ISAC Update is now available for your review, and may be accessed via the Partner e-Messages & Newsletters section of the e-Library for Partners at isac.org. This version of the electronic ISAC Update is a compilation of e-Messages sent to financial aid administrators and business officers via ISAC's e-Messaging service over the past month.

Topics covered in the August 2024 ISAC Update include:

  • 2024-25 iGROW Tech Scholarship Application Available
    (sent August 29, 2024)
  • 2024-25 MAP Payment Implementation
    (sent August 28, 2024)
  • Upcoming Important Dates from ISAC
    (sent August 27, 2024)
  • 2024-25 ECACE Certification Now Open
    (sent August 26, 2024)
  • Early Childhood Access Consortium for Equity Scholarship Program Update
    (sent August 21, 2024)
  • 2024-25 MAP Suspense Date: August 21, 2024
    (sent August 15, 2024)
  • 2024-25 Program Updates: IVG & ING Grant Benefit Usage and MAP Payment
    (sent August 13, 2024)
  • August Webinars for FAAs
    (sent August 6, 2024)
  • Submit 2024-25 MTI Certification Data
    (sent August 5, 2024)
  • July 2024 Electronic ISAC Update
    (sent August 1, 2024)

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