Helpful Links
State of Illinois This site provides information on living, working, learning, visiting and conducting business in Illinois. The Illinois Government section provides information on local, state and federal government services. Illinois Board of Higher Education (IBHE) The IBHE was created to plan and coordinate Illinois' system of colleges and universities. The Board’s policy planning responsibility is one of its key functions, which it carries out in a variety of ways, from ad hoc study committees and special task forces to initiatives of the Board's staff. Illinois State Board of Education (ISBE) The ISBE provides leadership, advocacy, and support for the work of school districts, policymakers and the citizens of Illinois. Illinois Virtual High School (IVHS) The mission of the IVHS is to use new and emerging technologies that expand the boundaries of space and time to provide Illinois students and their teachers with increased equity and access to the highest quality educational opportunities. The IVHS intends to deliver high-quality courses aligned with the Illinois Learning Standards. Illinois Community College Board (ICCB) The ICCB serves as the state coordinating board for community colleges and accommodates those State of Illinois initiatives that are appropriate for community colleges Information can be found at this site about online courses, credit transfer, and employment opportunities for students. Illinois School Counselor Association (ISCA) ISCA is a statewide professional organization of counseling professionals that supports school counselors' efforts to promote academic, personal/social, emotional and career development in all students, provides professional development, and advocates for school counselors with legislators and other educational professionals. iTransfer This website will help you transfer college credit in the State of Illinois as an Illinois Articulation Initiative. It’s geared for students, parents, and educators. CollegeView Examine schools to find the college that’s right for you (or your student). Take a virtual campus tour, apply online, visit the career center and more. Collegeguide This site is described as a one-stop resource for information on finding, attending and thriving at your college of choice. Designed for students, parents, guidance counselors or anyone interested in higher education. Occupational Outlook Handbook The Handbook is a nationally recognized source of career information designed to provide valuable assistance to individuals making decisions about their future work lives. Revised every two years, the Handbook describes what workers do on the job, working conditions, the training and education needed, earnings, and expected job prospects in a wide range of occupations. Peterson’s Peterson’s provides information about colleges and universities, career schools, graduate programs, distance learning, executive training, private secondary schools, summer opportunities, study abroad, financial aid, test preparation and career exploration Online services for essay editing and resume writing are also available. ACT ACT is an independent, not-for-profit organization that provides assessment, research, information and program management services in the fields of education and workforce development. The College Board The College Board is a national non-profit membership association whose mission is to prepare, inspire, and connect students to college and opportunity. The Princeton Review This site is designed for students, parents and educators. Educators will find information at this site concerning test preparation and college and career counseling management for districts and schools. Through the Admissions Center, admission counselors find the resources to reach next year’s college applicants at the most crucial time. Kaplan Kaplan, Inc. is one of the nation’s leading providers of lifelong education and offers students and professionals the best in test preparation. Kaplan offers preparation for standardized tests, including entrance exams for secondary school, college, and graduate school as well as English language and professional licensing exams. U.S. Department of Education (ED) This site provides a wide variety of information on all levels of education for several different audiences including students, parents, teachers and financial aid administrators. Visitors can personalize the site to see the latest information about their favorite topics. My Future My Way A workbook for middle and junior high school students this ED site is an important source of information about college access and federal financial aid programs. Follow the links to the National Training for Counselors and Mentors, other student aid guides, FAFSA on the Web, a script and slides for financial aid presentations and much more. National Training for Counselors and Mentors (NT4CM) National Training for Counselors and Mentors (NT4CM) provides free training and support for counselors and mentors who assist students and their families in preparing financially for college. FSA Partner Connect – Knowledge Center An ED website, this online library contains technical publications, regulations and policy guidance on the administration of Federal Student Aid programs. Available resources include the Federal Student Aid Handbook, Action Letters and Dear Partner/Colleague Letters. Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) The online federally approved application to be completed by students and their parents to apply for federal and some state financial aid programs. Federal Student Aid ID (FSA ID) Students, parents, and borrowers are required to use an FSA ID, made up of a username and password, to access certain U.S. Department of Education (ED) websites. The FSA ID replaces the Federal Student Aid PIN that was used in the past to authenticate an applicant’s and parent’s identity when accessing student financial aid information and electronically signing Federal Student Aid documents. Internal Revenue Service (IRS) The Internal Service is the nation's tax collection agency and administers the Internal Revenue Code enacted by Congress. Mapping Your Future A public service website that counsels students and families about college, career and financial aid choices. This site is sponsored by a group of guaranty agencies that participate in the Federal Family Education Loan Program (FFELP). Scholarship Searches There are many private sources of financial aid available to students. This link will provide you with an overview of such sources and access to several links to popular online scholarship search services, as well as information about scams. Illinois High School Association (IHSA) The IHSA serves member schools by providing leadership for equitable participation in interscholastic athletics and activities that enrich the educational experience. The Chronicle of Higher Education The Chronicle is published weekly and serves as a news source for college and university faculty members and administrators. Illinois Association for College Admission Counseling (IACAC) IACAC is a statewide professional organization of counseling professionals dedicated to serving students as they explore options and make choices about pursuing postsecondary education. IACAC members include high school counselors, college admission personnel, and financial aid staff. National Association for College Admission Counseling (NACAC) NACAC is a national professional organization for high school counselors, college admission personnel, and financial aid staff dedicated to serving students as they make choices about higher education. Particular emphasis is given to the transition of students from secondary schools to higher education and with attention to access and equity for all students. Illinois Association of Student Financial Aid Administrators (ILASFAA) A professional organization of student financial aid administrators representing schools, private lenders, and state agency personnel serving students in Illinois. Midwest Association of Student Financial Aid Administrators (MASFAA) A regional organization of individuals engaged in and concerned with the administration and support of student financial aid. National Association of Student Financial Aid Administrators (NASFAA) This organization supports financial aid professionals at colleges, universities, and career schools. It is a national association with a primary focus on student aid legislation, regulatory analysis, and professional development for financial aid administrators. |
State of Illinois IBHE ISBE Illinois Virtual High School ICCB ISCA iTransfer CollegeView Collegeguide Occupational Outlook Handbook Peterson’s ACT The College Board The Princeton Review Kaplan ED My Future My Way National Training for Counselors and Mentors (NT4CM) FSA Partner Connect - Knowledge Center FAFSA FSA ID IRS Mapping Your Future Scholarship Searches IHSA The Chronicle IACAC NACAC ILASFAA MASFAA NASFAA |