JB Pritzker, Governor, State of Illinois

College Cost Calculator

Financing is a big part of planning for college. This calculator provides an estimate of how much college may cost when a student is ready to attend. With careful planning and the help of financial aid, funding a college education can be achieved. To get an idea of how much financial aid you might be eligible for, use the Federal Student Aid Estimator and MAP Estimator.

Annual Cost of College for 2024-25*
Source of InformationPublic
Community College
4-Year College
4-Year College
National Average from
College Board
$20,570 $29,910 $62,990
*Estimated costs are from the College Board and are updated each fall (next update is anticipated for fall 2025). Actual costs are determined by each individual college each fiscal year.
College Cost Calculator

Note: Please do not use commas.

  • $
  • years
  • $

Disclaimer: Calculators are provided for reference only. Any rates and costs are subject to change without notice. The costs, rates or payment amounts provided from these calculators are not guaranteed.