ISAC Update
Messages sent to: | Multiple Subscription Groups |
CCM Task Force | |
ISAC Update |
Welcome to the July 2022 ISAC Update for financial aid administrators and business officers. This version of the electronic ISAC Update is a compilation of e-Messages sent through ISAC's e-Messaging service throughout July.
The articles in this Update have been organized according to the FAA subscription groups to which the messages were distributed.
Questions regarding information in this ISAC Update can be directed to School Services at 866.247.2172 or at On occasion, you may be directed to a specific contact person or area; when this occurs, we will provide the appropriate information in the individual article or message.
2022-23 ECACE Scholarship Update: Student List Available
Sent to Financial Aid Administrators and ECACE Administrators on July 26, 2022.
The Illinois Student Assistance Commission (ISAC) is sharing the following information to assist colleges in the administration of the Early Childhood Access Consortium for Equity (ECACE) Scholarship Program. If you do not work directly with the ECACE Scholarship Program, please forward this message to the appropriate colleague(s) at your institution and encourage them to sign up for the "ECACE Administrators" e-Messaging subscription group.
Access Student Application Status via "Student List Eligibility: View" Screen
Effective immediately, colleges may access 2022-23 student application status data via the ECACE component of the ISAC Gift Assistance Programs (GAP) Access portal. View a listing of students who have completed the 2022-23 ECACE Scholarship online application process by accessing the ECACE system and selecting the Student tab to display the "Student List Eligibility: View" screen.
- The "Student List Eligibility: View" screen displays in a format similar to other programs that are processed via the GAP Access portal.
- Data is displayed for all applications listing the institution as the college the student plans to attend (i.e., complete, incomplete and ineligible based on student-reported data applications are included).
Prequalification Process to Take Place Thursday, July 28
On Thursday, July 28, the process for determining students’ prequalification status, based on the eligibility data reported by the applicants on their applications, will take place.
- A student's record will be considered prequalified if they have completed the online application process – which includes submitting a complete ECACE Scholarship Program application to ISAC and completing a Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA®) that results in a valid expected family contribution (EFC) – and they meet all initial program eligibility requirements (i.e., requirements other than those that must be verified by the college).
- After the prequalification process has run, the award data fields on the “Student List Eligibility: View” screen will be populated.
- Applicants who are determined prequalified will be sent a Notice of Prequalified Eligibility by ISAC.
- Further details about the prequalification process may be accessed via the ECACE Scholarship Program Prequalification area.
- The ECACE User Guide, which may be accessed via the ECACE Electronic Processing page, will soon be updated to reflect the 2022-23 processing cycle.
- The release of prequalified applicant data into the ECACE system provides a means by which this information may be shared with colleagues in other areas of the college who are working with prospective and current students. Reports listing ECACE applicants may be generated and edited, and then made available to other departments at your institution. All personally identifiable information (PII), such as an applicant’s Social Security number (SSN), date of birth, and expected family contribution (EFC), should be removed from the report before the information leaves the financial aid office.
- As a reminder, so that the proper level of security is maintained for administering ISAC programs, school staff must have the appropriate level of access in order to view prequalification records. The school's primary administrator or a designated administrator is responsible for authorizing access levels.
Looking Ahead
- 2022-23 ECACE Scholarship payment processing is anticipated to commence during the month of August 2022.
- As additional information becomes available – including announcement of when 2022-23 payment requests are being accepted – it will be provided via ISAC's usual means of communication (i.e., the ECACE Scholarship Program News area, the FAA Message Board, and this e-Messaging system).
Join "ECACE Administrators" Subscription Group
If you work directly with your approved institution's administration of the ECACE Scholarship Program – or if you simply are interested in receiving general announcements and processing updates regarding the program – be sure to join the "ECACE Administrators" e-Messaging subscription group.
Existing e-Messaging subscribers may join this group by clicking on the "Unsubscribe" link that appears at the bottom of all ISAC e-Messages, selecting the "ECACE Administrators" group in the listing that appears, and then clicking on "Update Profile."
Individuals who may be interested in the "ECACE Administrators" group, but do not currently subscribe to ISAC's e-Messaging service, may sign up at the Financial Aid Administrators (FAAs) e-Messaging page.
ISAC Monthly Webinars for FAAs
Sent to Financial Aid Directors, Financial Aid Administrators, Public Schools - Participating in the ING Grant and IVG Programs, MAP Users, Business Officers and ECACE Administrators on July 22, 2022.
The Illinois Student Assistance Commission (ISAC) will provide an Operational and Program Update Webinar for financial aid administrators (FAAs) on the last Wednesday of every month. Following are the webinar dates for the third quarter of 2022:
- July 27 at 2 p.m.
- August 31 at 2 p.m.
- September 28 at 2 p.m.
To participate in these webinars, visit the Partner Training page in the e-Library at to access the webinar link and presentation materials, both of which will be posted on the day of the session. Registration is not required, and any specific topics or questions you would like a webinar to address may be submitted via e-mail to prior to the session.
2022-23 MAP Recompute, Differential Rates, and Preparing for Fall 2023 MAP Claims
Sent to Financial Aid Directors, Financial Aid Administrators, MAP Users and Business Officers on July 20, 2022.
The 2022-23 Monetary Award Program (MAP) recompute formula was implemented on June 23rd, and updated student records were made available to colleges on June 27th. Important changes to the formula include:
- an increase to the maximum 2022-23 MAP award, from $5,496 (at start-up) to $7,200,
- the use of 2021-22 reported tuition and fees, and
- the use of the 2021-22 Pell Grant Payment Schedule.
The Fiscal Year 2023 (FY23) MAP recompute formula utilizes school-reported "main" tuition and fee rates reported to ISAC for FY22, which is the in-district, in-state rate charged to freshman students for the 2021-22 award year, and that is typically charged to the majority of students.
Differential Rate Option
Because some institutions may have differential tuition and fee rates for certain programs that are substantially higher than a school's main rate, ISAC will be providing an opportunity for all MAP-approved colleges to include a differential rate in their FY22 budget data, which will then allow schools to determine MAP eligibility and submit MAP claims based on a differential rate, if applicable.
Although the option of adding a differential budget code(s) to FY22 budget data is available to all schools, it is not a process that all will need to complete, particularly for those schools where students are typically eligible for the maximum award amount based on their main tuition and fees rate. While using a higher differential rate may result in a higher MAP award for a student, it's important to keep in mind that the higher differential rate is only intended to be used for students who are in programs that are assessing a higher differential rate to the student; it is not intended to be used to provide students with access to a higher award amount than they would normally receive under the MAP recompute formula using the school's main FY22 tuition and fee rate.
During the ISAC Program Review process, compliance examiners will confirm that students who received MAP based on a differential budget code were assessed differential rate charges based on the program in which they were enrolled.
ISAC to Contact Schools
ISAC has identified a number of schools that will likely need a differential code based on budget data previously reported to ISAC for FY22 and will be reaching out to those schools directly to assist with this process. It's also a possibility that some colleges may need more than one code, and ISAC will work with those schools individually. If it's confirmed that a code (or more than one) is needed, ISAC will create a new budget code(s) for the college in its FY22 budget data and then open up the budget in GAP Access for the data to be entered. No changes are to be made to FY22 main tuition and fee rates that have already been validated, certified, and used in the FY23 MAP recompute calculation, and tuition and fee rates reported for an FY22 differential code may only be tuition and fees that were in place for the 2021-22 academic year.
Once the differential budget data has been entered, certified, and approved in the system, the college will be able to use the "Edit MAP Code" functionality in the MAP system to calculate a student's eligible MAP award based on the differential budget rate(s). When payment processing for MAP begins, colleges will be able to claim MAP for a student based on the differential budget code. More guidance about requesting MAP payments will be available in August.
Colleges that want to add an FY22 differential budget code prior to 2022-23 MAP payment processing may contact Sherry Schonauer at for assistance on or before Friday, July 29th. Questions may also be directed to ISAC's School Services Department at
2022-23 ISAC Administrative Rules Available
Sent to Financial Aid Directors, Financial Aid Administrators, Public Schools - Participating in the ING Grant and IVG Programs and MAP Users on July 20, 2022.
The 2022-23 ISAC Administrative Rules, effective July 1, 2022 for the 2022-23 academic year, are now available for reference at the ISAC website. The rules are accessible in two locations:
- in the e-Library of, by clicking on #4, Administrative Rules, and
- in the About ISAC area of, by clicking on Administrative Rules.
The online rules are posted in two formats: alphabetical by program and by program type/topic.
Amendments were made to six Parts this year: General Provisions, Illinois Veteran Grant (IVG) Program, Community Behavioral Health Care Professional Loan Repayment Program, Nurse Educator Loan Repayment Program, Illinois Special Education Teacher Tuition Waiver (SETTW) Program, and Illinois Teachers and Child Care Providers Loan Repayment Program. One new Part was added for the newly-enacted Displaced Energy Worker Dependent Transition Scholarship Program.
While most of the amendments were of an administrative nature, more substantive changes were made to these areas.
- Amendments were made to General Provisions (Part 2700) to revise the definition of Mandatory Fees to include fees for students attending through distance education (remotely) in addition to students who attend on campus, to allow those fees to be covered by ISAC programs. Definitions and a new Section (2700.90) were also added in connection with the implementation of the Educational Planning Services Consumer Protection Act (commonly referred to as the Segura Law). Definitions include Consumer, Educational Planning Service Provider, and Educational Planning Services. Additionally, definitions were added for Qualified Bilingual Minority Applicant [to accommodate expanded eligibility for the Minority Teachers of Illinois (MTI) Scholarship Program] and Displaced Energy Worker (for the new Energy Scholarship Program).
- Illinois Veteran Grant (IVG) Program (Part 2733) – an amendment was made to expand what is considered an honorable discharge, based on a recently-implemented legislative change.
Ready to View – CCE Conference Recordings
Sent to Financial Aid Directors, Financial Aid Administrators, Public Schools - Participating in the ING Grant and IVG Programs, MAP Users and Business Officers on July 15, 2022.

Session Recordings and Presentations Available
On behalf of the Conference Planning Committee, we want to thank the nearly 1,200 attendees and session speakers who participated in the 2022 College Changes Everything® (CCE) conference to examine and discuss issues related to this year's conference theme: Moving Forward Together. Interest session recordings and most presentation files from the virtual conference are now available on the 2022 CCE conference website. Please regularly visit the site, because we will add additional presentation materials as they are received.
While we miss the in-person interactions that have grown to be a key part of the conference, we are pleased that we were still able to come together online to share information and resources from state and national experts that can help you in your work in supporting student success. The conference provided an opportunity for stakeholders to explore the short and long-term outcomes of our policies, programs, and structures as we strive to meet the needs of all learners and to help them contribute to stronger communities and a more inclusive workforce and economy. The conference also supports the state's Goal 2025 – to increase the proportion of adults in Illinois with high quality degrees and postsecondary credentials to 60% by the year 2025.
2022 College Changes Everything Conference Planning Committee
- Illinois Student Assistance Commission
- Illinois Board of Higher Education
- Illinois Community College Board
- Illinois Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity
- Illinois State Board of Education
- Illinois College Access Network
- Federation of Independent Illinois Colleges and Universities
- Advance Illinois
- Education Systems Center at Northern Illinois University
- Generations Serving Generations
- ACT Now
- Women Employed
by the Illinois Student Assistance Commission.
Helping Illinois reach its Goal 2025: to increase the proportion
of adults in Illinois with high-quality college degrees and
postsecondary credentials to 60% by the year 2025
Guidance on the 2022-23 Verification Process for ISAC Programs
Sent to Financial Aid Directors, Financial Aid Administrators, Public Schools - Participating in the ING Grant and IVG Programs, MAP Users, Business Officers and ECACE Administrators on July 14, 2022.
This message provides updated guidance regarding verification requirements for programs administered by the Illinois Student Assistance Commission (ISAC). The U.S. Department of Education (ED) has confirmed that verification process changes, which were originally made for the 2021-22 award year, are being continued into the 2022-23 award year. The purpose of these changes is to provide relief to students challenged by the pandemic and reduce barriers to enrollment.
According to Dear Colleague Letter (DCL) GEN-22-06, effective May 18, 2022 and for the remainder of the 2022-23 Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA®) processing and verification cycle, ED is waiving verification requirements for most FAFSA information, except for the identity/statement of educational purpose and high school completion status under verification tracking groups V4 and V5. Institutions may apply the waiver to any applicant selected for verification for whom verification is not yet completed or has not been started. However, the waiver does not exempt institutions from reviewing all documents for conflicting information concerning a student's eligibility, nor does it exempt institutions from resolving student eligibility-related C-codes. Refer to Chapter 5 of the 2022-23 Application and Verification Guide for details about resolving conflicting information.
Consistent with ED's action, ISAC is not requiring colleges to complete federal verification for students receiving ISAC program benefits for the 2022-23 award year, and advises schools to follow ED guidance in regard to when verification must be completed. However, colleges are still required to confirm Illinois residency for all students receiving ISAC program benefits for which Illinois residency is a requirement.
As a reminder, ISAC rules explain the two components to verification for ISAC programs – one confirms state residency and the other relates to verifying financial need and student eligibility.
From ISAC's General Provisions, Section 2700.50, Determining Applicant Eligibility:
- a) The evaluation of applicant eligibility is the responsibility of both ISAC and the institution.
- e) The institution is required to verify the residency of all applicants to ISAC gift assistance programs for which Illinois residency is a requirement.
- f) For all other eligibility criteria, if the institution has any information that indicates that the applicant does not meet the eligibility requirements of ISAC-administered programs or if an applicant is selected for verification in conjunction with federal student assistance, that applicant shall be verified for ISAC-administered programs. A selected applicant must be verified for ISAC programs even if the applicant is ineligible for federal student assistance.
While it is the college's responsibility to ensure that all ISAC program recipients meet the residency requirement, this does not necessarily mean that additional documentation must be collected from every student, and colleges are encouraged to minimize the burden of requesting additional documentation whenever possible. Colleges can rely on the address information in GAP Access to confirm Illinois residency. Address data in GAP Access is provided by an applicant in online ISAC applications and is certified by the student signature. This is considered sufficient as long as there is no known conflicting information. Keep in mind, however, that in all cases, if the financial aid office is aware of or has conflicting information which suggests that a student applicant and/or a dependent student's parent(s) may not be meeting ISAC residency requirements, the financial aid office would want to request additional documentation to confirm residency status.
Guidance for verifying Illinois residency, including examples of situations in which verification is not necessary, is contained in the Illinois Residency and Verification FAQ. A list of acceptable documentation is also available on the site.
In summary, in regard to ISAC programs and the 2022-23 verification process, colleges administering ISAC programs:
- are not expected to complete the verification process for students who have been selected by ED, with the same exceptions outlined by ED – those for whom you must confirm identity/statement of educational purpose and high school completion status under verification tracking groups V4 and V5;
- are expected to confirm Illinois residency for ISAC programs that require it;
- are expected to review documents when there is conflicting information concerning a student's eligibility and resolve student eligibility-related C-codes; and,
- may continue to accept expired government-issued documentation to confirm Illinois residency until further notice.
2021-22 Year-End Program Updates
Sent to Financial Aid Directors, Financial Aid Administrators, Public Schools - Participating in the ING Grant and IVG Programs, MAP Users and Business Officers on July 13, 2022.
Unless otherwise noted, links in this message are to corresponding pages at the Illinois Student Assistance Commission (ISAC) website (
The following information is being provided to assist colleges with year-end processing for the ISAC-administered programs referenced below.
- All 2021-22 MAP late payment requests (claims) received at ISAC through (including) Friday, July 8, 2022 have been released for payment and results are available in the MAP system.
- Information regarding how to access payment results is provided in the "Payment" chapter of the MAP User Guide.
- ISAC will continue to accept 2021-22 MAP initial claims and increases to previously-submitted claims for all terms through (including) Friday, July 15, 2022.
- ISAC will notify colleges if sufficient MAP funds remain available to pay late claims submitted through July 15.
- Colleges are encouraged to continue the process of reconciling 2021-22 MAP data, which assists ISAC staff in determining whether sufficient funds will be available to pay additional late claims.
- Adjustments to cancel or reduce previously-submitted MAP claims will continue to be accepted through (including) Friday, August 5, 2022.*
- Effective Monday, August 8, 2022, 2021-22 data in the MAP system will become available for historical view only.**
Minority Teachers of Illinois (MTI) Scholarship Program
- ISAC will continue to accept 2021-22 MTI Scholarship initial claims and increases to previously-submitted claims for all terms through (including) Friday, July 15, 2022.
- Adjustments to cancel or reduce previously-submitted MTI Scholarship claims will continue to be accepted through (including) Friday, August 5, 2022.*
- Effective Monday, August 8, 2022, 2021-22 data in the MTI system will become available for historical view only.**
Golden Apple Scholars of Illinois Program
- ISAC will continue to accept 2021-22 Golden Apple initial claims and increases to previously-submitted claims for all terms through (including) Friday, July 15, 2022.
- Adjustments to cancel or reduce previously-submitted Golden Apple claims will continue to be accepted through (including) Friday, August 5, 2022.*
- Effective Monday, August 8, 2022, 2021-22 data in the Golden Apple system will become available for historical view only.**
* Continue Reconciling MAP, MTI Scholarship and Golden Apple Data
Remember, due to the payment offset process, only data reconciliation activities should take place at this time for the 2021-22 MAP, MTI Scholarship and Golden Apple programs. After ISAC determines that all payment processing is final, colleges with an outstanding amount owed to ISAC will receive an e-mail notice indicating the total amount to be returned for each program. Until then, no funds should be returned to ISAC.
Illinois National Guard (ING) Grant Program
- The ING Grant system will continue to accept 2021-22 benefit usage data for all terms through (including) Friday, August 5, 2022.
- Although ISAC will not be able to reimburse institutions for 2021-22 ING Grant awards and all deadline dates have passed, reporting of enrollment hours must still take place as soon as possible so that benefit usage (i.e., eligibility units) can be accurately assessed to students' accounts.
- Effective Monday, August 8, 2022, 2021-22 data in the ING Grant system will become available for historical view only.**
Illinois Veteran Grant (IVG) Program
- The IVG system will continue to accept 2021-22 benefit usage data for all terms through (including) Friday, August 5, 2022.
- Although ISAC will not be able to reimburse institutions for 2021-22 IVG awards and all deadline dates have passed, reporting of enrollment hours must still take place as soon as possible so that benefit usage (i.e., eligibility units) can be accurately assessed to students' accounts.
- Effective Monday, August 8, 2022, 2021-22 data in the IVG system will become available for historical view only.**
** As a reminder, reports continue to be available for colleges to access after data has been moved to historical view. However, after submitting claims or adjustments, colleges are encouraged to always review the Payment/Benefits Results Exceptions report that is available the next business day.
Join ISAC for free Public Service Loan Forgiveness (PSLF) Webinars
Sent to Financial Aid Directors, Financial Aid Administrators, Public Schools - Participating in the ING Grant and IVG Programs, MAP Users, Business Officers, ECACE Administrator and FFELP Administrators on July 12, 2022.
you might be eligible for a loan forgiveness program!
Less than four months remain for federal student loan borrowers to take advantage of the temporary changes to the PSLF Program. These changes end on October 31, 2022, don't miss out!
Session Description:
Public service employees may be eligible for loan forgiveness through the PSLF program. The PSLF program allows Federal Student Loan borrowers to apply for forgiveness if they are employed full-time by a government, 501(c)(3) organization, or public-serving nonprofit, and meet other requirements.
If you want to learn more about PSLF, and the new temporary changes, or if you have applied for PSLF and been denied, this is the session for you. In this session, we will discuss the existing PSLF program and the new Limited Waiver for PSLF that will allow borrowers to receive credit for payments that previously did not qualify for PSLF. The Limited Waiver ends October 31, 2022, don't miss out!
July Webinar Dates:
Wednesday, July 20, 2-3 p.m. (CT)
Tuesday, July 26, 12-1 p.m. (CT)
Friday, July 29, 11:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. (CT)
Learn more and register: For questions on the webinars, contact the Professional Development team at
Still Time to Register – CCE Conference
Sent to Financial Aid Directors, Financial Aid Administrators, Public Schools - Participating in the ING Grant and IVG Programs, MAP Users and Business Officers on July 11, 2022.

Moving Forward Together
While the conference starts this morning at 10 a.m., it's not too late to register now to join colleagues for a full week of sessions on important topics, trends, and emerging issues about student college access and success and career readiness, including these three plenary sessions:
- Monday, July 11th (10 a.m.) – Conference Kick Off and State Agency Panel: Moving Forward Together in Support of Students
- Wednesday, July 13th (1 p.m.) – What's Next? Reshaping College Going Student Supports and Services Due to the Pandemic
- Friday, July 15th (10:30 a.m.) – Beyond the Pandemic: Learning Renewal and More Initiatives Supporting Our Students
After you register you can set up your Whova conference platform account to build your own conference agenda and engage with other attendees via community board topics, Speed Networking Table sessions, and other interactive features. If you've already registered, we encourage you to download the Whova mobile app. You can learn more on how to use Whova to attend the event, interact with other participants, and join the live streams, which will be delivered via Webex, by reviewing the Whova Attendee User Guide.
Register now and join stakeholders from across the state to share and learn how we can work together better in helping students achieve success and our state reach its Goal 2025.
2022 College Changes Everything Conference Planning Committee
- Illinois Student Assistance Commission
- Illinois Board of Higher Education
- Illinois Community College Board
- Illinois Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity
- Illinois State Board of Education
- Illinois College Access Network
- Federation of Independent Illinois Colleges and Universities
- Advance Illinois
- Education Systems Center at Northern Illinois University
- Generations Serving Generations
- ACT Now
- Women Employed
by the Illinois Student Assistance Commission.
Helping Illinois reach its Goal 2025: to increase the proportion
of adults in Illinois with high-quality college degrees and
postsecondary credentials to 60% by the year 2025
Get Ready! CCE Conference Starts Next Week
Sent to Financial Aid Directors, Financial Aid Administrators, Public Schools - Participating in the ING Grant and IVG Programs, MAP Users and Business Officers on July 6, 2022.

Moving Forward Together
If you have not already registered for the conference, register now to join colleagues working to help students access postsecondary education, ensure degree or credential attainment, and support career readiness. You can learn more about the conference at the conference website.
If you are already registered, be sure to log into the Whova conference platform before the conference starts and set up your account to engage with other attendees and make participating in the conference as smooth as possible. Review the full conference agenda and session descriptions ahead of time so you can build your personal schedule with the "My Agenda" feature and schedule your sessions on your calendar. While reviewing the sessions with speakers who will motivate and inspire you, be sure to add the three plenary sessions to your schedule:
- Monday, July 11th – Conference Kick Off and State Agency Panel: Moving Forward Together in Support of Students
- Wednesday, July 13th – What's Next? Reshaping College Going Student Supports and Services Due to the Pandemic
- Friday, July 15th – Beyond the Pandemic: Learning Renewal and More Initiatives Supporting Our Students
In addition to accessing the conference through the desktop/laptop platform, we encourage you to download the Whova mobile app. You can learn more on how to use Whova to attend the event, interact with other participants, and join the live streams, which will be delivered via Webex, by reviewing the Whova Attendee User Guide.
Register now so you don't miss out on this important college access and success and career readiness conference. We look forward to engaging with you online!
Please share this e-Message with your colleagues so they can register, too. There is no registration fee. More information about the conference is available on the conference website.
2022 College Changes Everything Conference Planning Committee
- Illinois Student Assistance Commission
- Illinois Board of Higher Education
- Illinois Community College Board
- Illinois Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity
- Illinois State Board of Education
- Illinois College Access Network
- Federation of Independent Illinois Colleges and Universities
- Advance Illinois
- Education Systems Center at Northern Illinois University
- Generations Serving Generations
- ACT Now
- Women Employed
by the Illinois Student Assistance Commission.
Helping Illinois reach its Goal 2025: to increase the proportion
of adults in Illinois with high-quality college degrees and
postsecondary credentials to 60% by the year 2025
2022-23 ECACE Scholarship Update: Applications Due July 15
Sent to Financial Aid Administrators and ECACE Admininstrators on July 1, 2022.
The Illinois Student Assistance Commission (ISAC) is sharing the following information to assist colleges in the administration of the Early Childhood Access Consortium for Equity (ECACE) Scholarship Program. If you do not work directly with the ECACE Scholarship Program, please forward this message to the appropriate colleague(s) at your institution and encourage them to sign up for the "ECACE Administrators" e-Messaging subscription group.
NOTE: In order to facilitate recipients being made aware of their awards prior to the start of the academic year, the application priority consideration date for the 2022-23 ECACE Scholarship Program is now Friday, July 15, 2022. This is an earlier date than had originally been announced.
2022-23 Processing Updates
Applications Due July 15
The priority consideration date for submitting an ECACE Scholarship application for the 2022-23 academic year is July 15, 2022. Applications received after that date will be considered if funding remains after all timely, complete qualified applicants have been awarded.
- Program details – including eligibility requirements, ECACE FAQs, and an ECACE Flyer – are available on our website, along with a link to the online application. As always, we ask our partners to encourage those who may be interested in applying to learn about the program before completing the application.
- In addition to completing the ECACE application, the FAFSA must be filed for the same academic year. The ECACE-participating college the applicant plans to attend must be listed on the FAFSA. Eligibility is not based on financial need, but the FAFSA results (expected family contribution) will be used to prioritize awards among the neediest of applicants.
- Although there is no teaching commitment connected to the award, recipients are expected to continue or return to teaching or direct services in the early childhood care and education field after they complete their program of study.
Looking Ahead
- When 2022-23 applicant data is available for each college to access via the "Student List Eligibility: View" screen of the ECACE system (anticipated to be by the end of July 2022), data will be displayed for all applications listing the institution as the college the student plans to attend (i.e., complete, incomplete and ineligible applications will be included).
- 2022-23 ECACE Scholarship payment processing is anticipated to commence during the month of August 2022.
- More information – including announcement of when the 2022-23 "Student List Eligibility:View" screen becomes available, and when 2022-23 claims are being accepted – will be provided over the summer via ISAC's usual means of communication (i.e., the ECACE Scholarship Program News area, the FAA Message Board, and this e-Messaging system).
Join "ECACE Administrators" Subscription Group
If you work directly with your approved institution's administration of the ECACE Scholarship Program – or if you simply are interested in receiving general announcements and processing updates regarding the program – be sure to join the "ECACE Administrators" e-Messaging subscription group.
Existing e-Messaging subscribers may join this group by clicking on the "Unsubscribe" link that appears at the bottom of all ISAC e-Messages, selecting the "ECACE Administrators" group in the listing that appears, and then clicking on "Update Profile."
Individuals who may be interested in the "ECACE Administrators" group, but do not currently subscribe to ISAC's e-Messaging service, may sign up at the Financial Aid Administrators (FAAs) e-Messaging page.
College Course Materials Task Force Upcoming Meeting
Sent on July 14, 2022.
ISAC is set to host the third College Course Materials (CCM) Task Force meeting next Thursday, July 21, 2022, from 1 to 4 p.m. (CT). The agenda for this meeting can be accessed here. To join the CCM Task Force Meeting, which is a WebEx virtual event:
- Go to
- Join as a participant and enter your name and e-mail address.
- Enter the session password: CCM2022
- Click "Join Now".
- Follow the instructions that appear on your screen.
This Task Force information is also accessible on the ISAC CCM Task Force webpage.
June 2022 Electronic ISAC Update
Sent on July 1, 2022.
The June 2022 edition of the ISAC Update is now available for your review, and may be accessed via the Partner e-Messages & Newsletters section of the e-Library for Partners at This version of the electronic ISAC Update is a compilation of e-Messages sent to financial aid administrators and business officers via ISAC's e-Messaging service over the past month.
Topics covered in the June 2022 ISAC Update include:
- Why Delay? Register Today!
(sent June 28, 2022) - 2022-23 MAP Recompute Implemented
(sent June 27, 2022) - 2022-23 MAP Recompute Formula Approved
(sent June 22, 2022) - 2022-23 Budget Data Due July 8
(sent June 17, 2022) - Register Today – 2022 CCE Conference: Moving Forward Together
(sent June 13, 2022) - Virtual Commission Meeting Thursday, June 16 – Executive Briefing Tuesday, June 21
(sent June 10, 2022) - Join ISAC for Free Public Service Loan Forgiveness (PSLF) Webinars
(sent June 7, 2022) - Register Now for the 2022 CCE Conference!
(sent June 2, 2022) - May 2022 Electronic ISAC Update
(sent June 1, 2022)