2022-23 MAP Recompute, Differential Rates, and Preparing for Fall 2023 MAP Claims
The 2022-23 Monetary Award Program (MAP) recompute formula was implemented on June 23rd, and updated student records were made available to colleges on June 27th. Important changes to the formula include:
- an increase to the maximum 2022-23 MAP award, from $5,496 (at start-up) to $7,200,
- the use of 2021-22 reported tuition and fees, and
- the use of the 2021-22 Pell Grant Payment Schedule.
The Fiscal Year 2023 (FY23) MAP recompute formula utilizes school-reported "main" tuition and fee rates reported to ISAC for FY22, which is the in-district, in-state rate charged to freshman students for the 2021-22 award year, and that is typically charged to the majority of students.
Differential Rate Option
Because some institutions may have differential tuition and fee rates for certain programs that are substantially higher than a school's main rate, ISAC will be providing an opportunity for all MAP-approved colleges to include a differential rate in their FY22 budget data, which will then allow schools to determine MAP eligibility and submit MAP claims based on a differential rate, if applicable.
Although the option of adding a differential budget code(s) to FY22 budget data is available to all schools, it is not a process that all will need to complete, particularly for those schools where students are typically eligible for the maximum award amount based on their main tuition and fees rate. While using a higher differential rate may result in a higher MAP award for a student, it's important to keep in mind that the higher differential rate is only intended to be used for students who are in programs that are assessing a higher differential rate to the student; it is not intended to be used to provide students with access to a higher award amount than they would normally receive under the MAP recompute formula using the school's main FY22 tuition and fee rate.
During the ISAC Program Review process, compliance examiners will confirm that students who received MAP based on a differential budget code were assessed differential rate charges based on the program in which they were enrolled.
ISAC to Contact Schools
ISAC has identified a number of schools that will likely need a differential code based on budget data previously reported to ISAC for FY22 and will be reaching out to those schools directly to assist with this process. It's also a possibility that some colleges may need more than one code, and ISAC will work with those schools individually. If it's confirmed that a code (or more than one) is needed, ISAC will create a new budget code(s) for the college in its FY22 budget data and then open up the budget in GAP Access for the data to be entered. No changes are to be made to FY22 main tuition and fee rates that have already been validated, certified, and used in the FY23 MAP recompute calculation, and tuition and fee rates reported for an FY22 differential code may only be tuition and fees that were in place for the 2021-22 academic year.
Once the differential budget data has been entered, certified, and approved in the system, the college will be able to use the "Edit MAP Code" functionality in the MAP system to calculate a student's eligible MAP award based on the differential budget rate(s). When payment processing for MAP begins, colleges will be able to claim MAP for a student based on the differential budget code. More guidance about requesting MAP payments will be available in August.
Colleges that want to add an FY22 differential budget code prior to 2022-23 MAP payment processing may contact Sherry Schonauer at Sherry.Schonauer@illinois.gov for assistance on or before Friday, July 29th. Questions may also be directed to ISAC's School Services Department at ISAC.SchoolServices@illinois.gov.
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