Ready to View – CCE Conference Recordings

Session Recordings and Presentations Available
On behalf of the Conference Planning Committee, we want to thank the nearly 1,200 attendees and session speakers who participated in the 2022 College Changes Everything® (CCE) conference to examine and discuss issues related to this year's conference theme: Moving Forward Together. Interest session recordings and most presentation files from the virtual conference are now available on the 2022 CCE conference website. Please regularly visit the site, because we will add additional presentation materials as they are received.
While we miss the in-person interactions that have grown to be a key part of the conference, we are pleased that we were still able to come together online to share information and resources from state and national experts that can help you in your work in supporting student success. The conference provided an opportunity for stakeholders to explore the short and long-term outcomes of our policies, programs, and structures as we strive to meet the needs of all learners and to help them contribute to stronger communities and a more inclusive workforce and economy. The conference also supports the state's Goal 2025 – to increase the proportion of adults in Illinois with high quality degrees and postsecondary credentials to 60% by the year 2025.
2022 College Changes Everything Conference Planning Committee
- Illinois Student Assistance Commission
- Illinois Board of Higher Education
- Illinois Community College Board
- Illinois Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity
- Illinois State Board of Education
- Illinois College Access Network
- Federation of Independent Illinois Colleges and Universities
- Advance Illinois
- Education Systems Center at Northern Illinois University
- Generations Serving Generations
- ACT Now
- Women Employed
by the Illinois Student Assistance Commission.
Helping Illinois reach its Goal 2025: to increase the proportion
of adults in Illinois with high-quality college degrees and
postsecondary credentials to 60% by the year 2025
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