ISAC Program FY25 Funding – Budget Bills Approved
Governor Pritzker has signed SB 251 (operating budget bill) and HB 4959 [budget implementation bill (BIMP)], which together provide funding and statutory authority for Illinois programs and services, including ISAC's programs for Fiscal Year 2025 (FY25). Both bills were approved by the General Assembly a few days past the session's scheduled adjournment date, in the early morning hours of May 29, and were then forwarded to the governor for signature.
The bills are now considered law and are officially Public Act 103-0589 and Public Act 103-0588 (before considering printing, please note the document length; the text for P.A. 103-0588 is not yet available).
The overall budget for the upcoming academic year is a positive one for ISAC programs, with most programs receiving funding that is level with last year, while some will see increased funding. One of the biggest highlights is another significant increase ($10 million) to the Monetary Award Program (MAP), which again represents historic funding for the program. Additionally, the budget includes first-time funding for two programs created last year and increased spending authority for an existing program. For the first time since FY12, the budget includes funding ($6 million) for ISAC to reimburse public universities for a portion of the tuition and fees that have been waived on behalf of eligible veterans and guard members through the Illinois Veteran Grant (IVG) and Illinois National Guard (ING) Grant programs. [As in recent years, the budget also includes a little more than $4.2 million for the Illinois Community College Board (ICCB) to reimburse Illinois community colleges for the costs associated with the same programs.]
Also part of budget legislation, the Early Childhood Access Consortium for Equity (ECACE) Scholarship Program will receive state funding for the first time, after the initial years of the program having been supported by federal funds. Because the $5 million FY25 state appropriation is considerably lower than the amount of federal funding that had been available for the program, the number of recipients in 2024-25 will likely be significantly limited, and the program is expected to be able to support only a portion of renewal applicants.
FY25 ISAC Program Appropriation Highlights
MAP – $711,566,200 (increase)
Golden Apple Scholars of Illinois – $10,750,000
Minority Teachers of Illinois (MTI) Scholarship – $8,000,000
Community Behavioral Health Care Professional Loan Repayment – $7,500,000 (increase)
IVG and ING Grant reimbursement – $6,000,000 (new funding)
Social Work Scholarship/Repayment programs (combined appropriation) – $6,000,000
Human Services Professional Loan Repayment – $5,250,000 (new funding)
ECACE Scholarship – $5,000,000 (new state funding)
Nursing Education Scholarships (NES) – $4,000,000
Illinois Graduate and Retain Our Workforce (iGROW) Tech Scholarship – $2,000,000 (new funding)
Dependents of Police, Fire or Correctional Officers – $1,300,000
Displaced Energy Worker Dependent Transition Scholarship – $1,100,000
Illinois Teachers Loan Repayment – $975,000
Nurse Educator Loan Repayment – $500,000
Grant Program for Exonerees – $150,000
Veterans' Home Medical Providers' Loan Repayment – $26,400
AIM HIGH Grant – $50,000,000*
* AIM HIGH funds are disbursed in lump sums by ISAC to public universities.
With the approval of the budget, program implementation and operational activities for the 2024-25 academic year will begin to move forward. As always, we will regularly provide updates and processing details regarding each of our programs as we proceed through the year.
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