ISAC Communiqué
Volume 32, Number 9C
March 2023
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ISAC Communiqué |
Welcome to the March 2023 ISAC Communiqué, which is a compilation of e-Messages sent through ISAC's e-Messaging service throughout March.
The articles in this electronic Communiqué have been organized according to the Counselor subscription groups to which the messages were distributed.
Questions regarding information in this electronic Communiqué can be directed to School Services at 866.247.2172 or at On occasion, you may be directed to a specific contact person or area; when this occurs, we will provide the appropriate information in the individual article or message.
Only Two Weeks Left to Register for the Illinois PaCE Symposium!
Sent to Principals/Superintendents/Administrators, High School Counselors/Teachers, College Admission Counselors, Illinois Electronic Transcript Exchange High School Participants, Illinois Electronic Transcript Exchange College Participants, Community Organizations, and Public Libraries on March 30, 2023.

ISAC's 2nd annual Illinois Postsecondary and Career Expectations (PaCE) Symposium will be held in-person at the Wyndham Springfield City Centre in Springfield, Illinois on Thursday, April 20, 2023, from 8 a.m. – 3 p.m. (CT). Don't miss out!
Registration will close on Thursday, April 13, 2023. For registration and details, visit the PaCE Symposium page!
Session topics will include:
- Using the PaCE Framework to Expand Support for K-12 Students
- How Community-Based Organization Partners Support Students
- Hands-On Work and Career Readiness Experience
- Leveraging Your Community to Support PaCE Work
- The Importance of Identifying a Purpose Pathway
- And more …
Hotel Rooms are Still Available! Hotel Information and Parking
The Wyndham Springfield City Centre is providing rooms at a discounted rate of $85 for symposium attendees arriving on Wednesday, April 19, 2023. To receive the discounted rate, reserve your room by April 5, 2023. Overnight and onsite parking is available to attendees at no cost. Attendees may park at the Municipal Parking Garage attached to the Wyndham Springfield City Centre.
For questions about the PaCE Symposium, contact ISAC's PaCE Symposium Planning Team at
Success Network Webinars & Conference Materials
Sent to Principals/Superintendents/Administrators and High School Counselors/Teachers on March 28, 2023.
As a follow-up to the Illinois Education and Career Success Network's Accelerating Equitable Success 2023 annual conference, a series of free webinars have been scheduled to amplify models and support implementation of key strategies that accelerate equitable postsecondary success. Registration is now open for the following webinars:
- Lessons from the Learner Voice about the Student Success Movement
Monday, April 10, 11 a.m. - 12 p.m. (CT) – Register here
Nate Simpson, Senior Program Officer, U.S. Programs, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, will share findings from an opinion poll research project about learner perceptions of the value of education in the United States, how the learner voice impacted the student success movement, and tips on ways to incorporate findings in ongoing efforts based upon lessons learned from the philanthropy sector.
- Exploring Career Pathways and Essential Skills in Today's Workforce: Connecting Education and Employers to Enhance the Student Experience
Monday, April 17, 11 a.m. - 12 p.m. (CT) – Register here
The Sauk Valley Area Chamber of Commerce partners with local high schools to provide a Six-Session Certificate of Employability Workshop. The initiative aims to bridge the gap between students/education and employers/businesses. Employers from all industry sectors participate in the workshop, sharing about the various careers in their pathway, the education level needed for different careers, and key essential skills. Students who participate in the workshop can gain information about the local businesses in the area and the various career pathways available in the Sauk Valley. They also learn about the importance of essential skills in the workplace. Upon completion of the workshop, participating students receive a certificate of completion they can use when applying for employment. This webinar will explore how the workshop is structured, employers' and teachers' roles, and student feedback about the program.
- OneGoal Postsecondary Leadership Network: Closing the Gap for Equitable Outcomes
Monday, April 24, 10 - 11 a.m. (CT) – Register here
From assessment to outcomes, OneGoal partners with district leaders to improve students' postsecondary readiness and eliminate equity gaps by increasing college and career opportunities for all graduates. Learn how we tailor our multi-year path to districts' unique needs and engage leadership through a supportive community of peers and experts to achieve system-level improvements that lead to better, more equitable student outcomes. Hear directly from our district partners as they describe the impact of our collaboration on their district postsecondary culture and climate.
2023 Conference Resources Now Available
Recordings, presentations, handouts, and photos from the Accelerating Equitable Success annual conference are available at
The Illinois Education and Career Success Network (formerly the Illinois 60 by 2025 Network) is a growing network of communities in Illinois that are committed to advancing equitable postsecondary attainment. The Network was launched and is organized by: Advance Illinois, Education Systems Center at Northern Illinois University (EdSystems), and the Illinois Student Assistance Commission (ISAC).
Do You Send Paper Transcripts? Don't Miss this Opportunity
Sent to Principals/Superintendents/Administrators and High School Counselors/Teachers on March 28, 2023.
March 30th | 10 a.m. (Central)
Are you wondering if you should make the switch from paper to electronic transcripts? If so, don't miss the upcoming Parchment Preview webinar that ISAC will host, in collaboration with Parchment, at 10 a.m. (CT) this Thursday (March 30th). This webinar is offered at no cost to counselors, school administrations, and members of the public. Registration is free but required. Use the following link to register for the webinar:
During this 45-minute webinar, attendees will learn about the ISAC Transcript Exchange through Parchment, including how to navigate the student and administrator dashboards and gain efficiencies by switching from paper to electronic transcripts. You will also hear directly from a counselor regarding how their high school and students have benefited from utilizing the Exchange process.
The ISAC Transcript Exchange provides the opportunity for high school students to request that transcripts be sent electronically to the college(s) of their choice, the Common App, and other organizations requesting transcripts (e.g., scholarship providers and third-party verifications). ISAC's Transcript Exchange is available to all public and private high schools and districts at no cost.
Current students can request that transcripts be sent electronically to destinations worldwide, free of charge. Alumni are also able to use Parchment for transcript requests that include a transcript fee. To protect the privacy and confidentiality of transcript data, documents are sent through a secure transcript service in compliance with the Family Education Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA).
To learn more about the ISAC Transcript Exchange, visit the website at For questions on ISAC's Transcript Exchange, contact Lenore Smith at
Note: ISAC will not be offering Continuing Education (CE) credits or Professional Development (PD) hours for this webinar.
Calling All First Generation Scholars!
Sent to Principals/Superintendents/Administrators, High School Counselors/Teachers, College Admission Counselors, Illinois Electronic Transcript Exchange High School Participants, Illinois Electronic Transcript Exchange College Participants, Community Organizations, and Public Libraries on March 27, 2023.
Encourage Illinois high school students who will be the first person in their family to earn a college degree to join the First Generation Scholars Network (FGSN) from the Illinois Student Assistance Commission (ISAC). The goal of FGSN is to connect first generation college students with one another so they can support each other through this network, receive additional support year-round from ISAC's First Generation Scholars Network mentors, combat summer melt, and help make their transition to college a whole lot easier – and successful.
ISAC and our ISACorps of near-peer mentors have been working with and supporting students through the college going process with activities including, but not limited to, one-on-one mentoring, presentations on financial aid opportunities, and assistance with college admission and financial aid applications. Through this work we know students from high schools across the state and where they plan to go for college. FGSN allows us to extend this college going work to help students develop a sense of belonging as they move from high school to their respective campuses in the fall. This sense of belonging can improve their persistence through the first term and first year of college.
In addition to the other college going support, students in the network can:
- Meet other first generation students attending their college
- Hear stories from current first generation college students and first generation college graduates at different points in their career
- Join live and virtual events created specifically for them throughout the state
- Engage with professionals who are first generation college graduates
Send students to the FGSN webpage to join and learn more, and please share information about the FGSN with colleagues at your organization and with others in your personal and professional networks.
Campus Partnerships
ISAC wants to collaborate with colleges and universities to help ensure students develop a sense of belonging through the network and get them connected to the campus staff, programs, and services to support them. ISAC and our First Generation Scholars Network mentors are available to work with colleges and universities to support existing campus programming for first generation college students and to collaborate to develop new student supports. Contact to start the conversation on ways ISAC can partner with your campus for student success.
Join ISAC to Become an Expert in Financial Aid!
Sent to Principals/Superintendents/Administrators, High School Counselors/Teachers, College Admission Counselors, Illinois Electronic Transcript Exchange High School Participants, Illinois Electronic Transcript Exchange College Participants, Community Organizations, and Public Libraries on March 22, 2023.
ISAC is excited to announce the next virtual weeklong Financial Aid Certification series for college access professionals to support students through the financial aid process!
The certification series is comprised of six sessions offered each morning from Monday, April 3 through Friday, April 7, 2023. To register and learn more, visit the Professional Development Webinars page.
Attendees will learn about the different financial aid applications available to students and the information required to complete each one, as well as the steps students must take after applying for aid and how they can understand financial aid offers. Attendees will have the opportunity to complete an assessment after each session to become certified in the six content areas. Participants who score 80% or higher on each assessment taken will receive a certification from ISAC.
Upon completion of the training and assessments, attendees will be equipped to assist students and families with the financial aid process from beginning to end.
Professional development hours and continuing education credits will be awarded for each session to individuals who attend and complete the corresponding evaluation forms. Note that credits are awarded at the rate of one per contact hour. Partial credits are not awarded; credits are only available to those in attendance for the entirety of the session.
For questions, contact ISAC's Professional Development team at
Registration is Now Open for the 2023 PaCE Symposium
Sent to Principals/Superintendents/Administrators, High School Counselors/Teachers, College Admission Counselors, Illinois Electronic Transcript Exchange High School Participants, Illinois Electronic Transcript Exchange College Participants, Community Organizations, and Public Libraries on March 21, 2023.

We are excited to announce registration is now open for the second annual Illinois Postsecondary and Career Expectations (PaCE) Symposium! The symposium will take place at the Wyndham Springfield City Centre in Springfield, IL from 8 a.m. – 3 p.m. (CT) on Thursday, April 20, 2023. Visit the PaCE Symposium page to register and for more information.
The symposium is directly aimed at school counselors, college and career staff, and school administrators, but it is open to anyone who provides support for students to be college and career ready. The registration fee for the symposium is $25, which includes breakfast, lunch, and conference materials.
Register as soon as possible – and no later than April 13, 2023 – as space is limited. Availability of walk-in registration is not guaranteed.
Hotel Information & Parking
The Wyndham Springfield City Centre will provide rooms at a discounted rate of $85 for symposium attendees arriving on Wednesday, April 19, 2023. To receive the discounted rate, reserve your room by April 5, 2023.
Overnight and onsite parking is available to attendees at no cost. Attendees may park at the Municipal Parking Garage attached to the Wyndham Springfield City Centre.
For questions about the PaCE Symposium, contact ISAC's PaCE Symposium Planning Team at
We look forward to seeing you there!
Do You Send Paper Transcripts? Make the Switch to Electronic – It's Easy
Sent to Principals/Superintendents/Administrators and High School Counselors/Teachers on March 14, 2023.
March 30th | 10 a.m. (Central)
Don't wait – make the switch now from paper to electronic. Join us to find out how to save time and make your job more efficient, help yourself and your students by making the switch.
ISAC is pleased to announce our upcoming Parchment Preview webinar. This webinar is offered at no cost to counselors, school administrations, and members of the public. Registration is free but required. To register for this webinar, visit our website at
During this 45-minute webinar, which is offered in collaboration with Parchment, attendees will have the opportunity to learn about the ISAC Transcript Exchange through Parchment, including how to navigate the student and administrator dashboards and gain efficiencies by switching from paper to electronic transcripts. You will also hear directly from a counselor regarding how their high school and students have benefited from utilizing the Exchange. This webinar is the perfect opportunity to ask any questions you may have about the Exchange process.
The ISAC Transcript Exchange provides the opportunity for high school students to request that transcripts be sent electronically to the college(s) of their choice, the Common App, and other organizations requesting transcripts (e.g., scholarship providers and third-party verifications). ISAC's Transcript Exchange is available to all public and private high schools and districts at no cost.
Current students can request that transcripts be sent electronically to destinations worldwide, free of charge. Alumni are also able to use Parchment for electronic transcript requests that include a transcript fee. To protect the privacy and confidentiality of transcript data, documents are sent through a secure transcript service in compliance with the Family Education Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA).
To learn more about the ISAC Transcript Exchange, visit the website at For questions on ISAC's Transcript Exchange, contact Lenore Smith at
Note: ISAC will not be offering Continuing Education (CE) credits or Professional Development (PD) hours for this webinar.
February 2023 ISAC Communiqué
Sent on March 1, 2023
The February 2023 edition of the ISAC Communiqué is now available for your review, and may be accessed via the Partner e-Messages & Newsletters section of the e-Library for Partners at This electronic version of ISAC's newsletter is a compilation of information provided to Counselor partners via ISAC's e-Messaging service over the past month.
Topics covered in the February 2023 ISAC Communiqué include:
- There's Still Time to Submit CCE Conference Proposals
(sent February 23, 2023) - Don't Forget –– Submit Your CCE Conference Proposal
(sent February 9, 2023) - Proposal Submission Deadline Extended for 2023 Illinois Postsecondary and Career Expectations (PaCE) Symposium
(sent February 2, 2023) - January 2023 ISAC Communiqué
(sent February 1, 2023)
Encourage Your Colleagues to Sign Up for e-Messaging
ISAC's e-Messaging service is our primary means of communicating information to Counselor partners.
Encourage your colleagues who have not done so to subscribe through the Counselors e-Messaging sign-up page at today, so that they won't miss future announcements or updates from ISAC.